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Sugar Notes for C++11 (1): Tuple
I’ve switched to use C++ as primary programming language to practice algorithm problems for a while. The language still evolves these days as new standard C++14 and C++17 coming out. There’s a lot of new features and useful tools make C++11 more modern and looks like a new language compared to its old ancestor C or C++03.
I would continue to update the notes on what features I have used, for both a cheat sheet to review and a note to share, where anybody could also take a look and to see if there’s a more modern or efficient new method in C++.
C++11 Tuple
1. Usage (Text from <tuple>)
Tuples are objects that pack elements of (possibly) different types together in a single object, generalized for any number of elements.
Conceptually, they are similar to plain old data structures (C-like structs) but instead of having named data members, its elements are accessed by their order in the tuple.
Just similar to Tuple in Python — — An ordered collection of different data
2. Example
You have to include <tuple>.